We can’t open a magazine or read the newspaper without being reminded how stress impacts our lives. The impact of stress can’t be underestimated. We are often told to adjust our lives shift our mindset or simply “take a break” in order to de stress but sometimes our minds simply do not co-operate. Stress seems such a nebulous term. Sometimes we ask ourselves am I stressed or am I simply over thinking life. The simple answer is that we do need to take stress seriously. As one of our clients said “Did I have to get ill in order to make changes?”
Huge amounts of research have been done to assess how much stress we can handle. We are all different and some of us are better than others but in order to get an idea I have included on here the Holmes and Rahe stress scale. To measure stress according to the H and R Stress Scale , the number of “Life Change Units” that apply to the events in the past year of an individual’s life are added and the final score will give a rough estimate of how stress affects health.
Are you feeling like your stress levels are mounting? Do you find yourself having thoughts that go around and around in your head? Are you feeling like you are no longer in charge of life? Work, home, family, events getting on top of you? Then please take a decisive step to start taking charge of your life. Contact us so we can have an informal chat so you can reduce the stress and start enjoying your life.
Score of 300+: At risk of illness.
Score of 150-299: Risk of illness is moderate (reduced by 30% form the above risk).
Score of < 150: Only have a slight risk of illness.
Life event | Life change units |
Death of a spouse | 100 |
Divorce | 73 |
Marital separation | 65 |
Imprisonment | 63 |
Death of a close family member | 63 |
Personal injury or illness | 53 |
Marriage | 50 |
Dismissal from work | 47 |
Marital reconciliation | 45 |
Retirement | 45 |
Change in health of family member | 44 |
Pregnancy | 40 |
Sexual difficulties | 39 |
Gain a new family member | 39 |
Business readjustment | 39 |
Change in financial state | 38 |
Death of a close friend | 37 |
Change to different line of work | 36 |
Change in frequency of arguments | 35 |
Major mortgage | 32 |
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan | 30 |
Change in responsibilities at work | 29 |
Child leaving home | 29 |
Trouble with in-laws | 29 |
Outstanding personal achievement | 28 |
Spouse starts or stops work | 26 |
Beginning or end school | 26 |
Change in living conditions | 25 |
Revision of personal habits | 24 |
Trouble with boss | 23 |
Change in working hours or conditions | 20 |
Change in residence | 20 |
Change in schools | 20 |
Change in recreation | 19 |
Change in church activities | 19 |
Change in social activities | 18 |
Minor mortgage or loan | 17 |
Change in sleeping habits | 16 |
Change in number of family reunions | 15 |
Change in eating habits | 15 |
Vacation | 13 |
Christmas | 12 |
Minor violation of law | 11 |