by Pam Custers | Jan 19, 2018 | Category One
Connection is the corner stone of all good relationships. I have worked with so many people who often sit in my room and talk about the fact that they are not particularly unhappy but they feel like they are living parallel lives. There is nothing as painful as...
by Pam Custers | Dec 6, 2017 | Category One, Category Three, Category Two
Sometimes with the best will in the world our partner refuses to do couple therapy. You know that the time has come to make some changes as your relationship is in trouble. You have asked nicely, you have cajoled and still your partner wont budge. There are a number...
by Pam Custers | Sep 7, 2017 | Category One
Family loyalty is such a complex thing. Blood is thicker than water. Our family of origin is where we learn the many unwritten rules of how we relate. We can often hit a snag when we form our own families and new rules and loyalties need to be forged. Many years ago I...
by Pam Custers | Aug 7, 2017 | Category One
So, you are experiencing some problems in your marriage and you have decided that it would be useful to have some couple counselling. This may be a turning point in your relationship. Deciding on who you are happy to work with and can trust is imperative. Finding a...
by Pam Custers | Jun 20, 2017 | Category One
This may have escaped popular notice, but last week was national marriage week, a celebration of an enduring if seldom untroubled institution. By coincidence or not, several studies were also published that shed light on the state of the nation’s relationships. The...